I would like you to think and answer about these questions for understanding issues on our topic more deeply. 1. Should teenagers bepermitted to drink alcohol under the supervision of adults, for example parents or older brothers?And why? 2. Which do you think the minimum drinking age should be lowered, should be raised, or just as it is? 3. How old is the minimum drinking age in other countries? 4. Do you know certainly the punishment for teenager drinking? 5. What kind of diseases related to alcohol do you know there are? 6. What percentage of people had drunk alcohol before coming of age? 7. What do you think about the selling of alcohol drink at supermarkets, or convenient stores? 8. How many teenagers who died of acute alcoholic poisoning are there every year? 9. How do you feel about the crime of drunk driving? 10. Do you think drinking alcohol is related to smoking?And why?
About Us

- Group Alcohol
- Hello! & Welcome to our blog. We are three students (Lika, Daichi, Maya) who attend a private university in Japan. We are doing a project for English class on whether alcohol is necessary for teenagers or not. We hope people will find this blog some of a use!
- The opinion that Drinking Age should be lowered
- Questions about Drinking Alcohol
- From a teenager drinker's point of view
- From a teenager drinker's point of view
- Lowering Drinking age
- Drinking Age should be just as it is
- Drinking Age should be lowered from 20 to a younge...
- (An example) Sisters' POV
- (An example) Mothers' POV
- Drinking is alright- as long as there's a supervisor
- Hi
- Drinking
- My name is Lika Tomoyama! We will discuss the issu...
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