Drinking age must not be lowered. First, alcohol consumption can interfere with brain's development. The brain's frontal lobes, essential for functions such as emotional regulation, planning, and organization, continue to develop through adolescence. Second, drinking alcohol often allows people to go to bas or nightclubs, which are not safe environments. If they can be easy to be implicated in a crime, teenagers must be much more so.
About Us

- Group Alcohol
- Hello! & Welcome to our blog. We are three students (Lika, Daichi, Maya) who attend a private university in Japan. We are doing a project for English class on whether alcohol is necessary for teenagers or not. We hope people will find this blog some of a use!
- The opinion that Drinking Age should be lowered
- Questions about Drinking Alcohol
- From a teenager drinker's point of view
- From a teenager drinker's point of view
- Lowering Drinking age
- Drinking Age should be just as it is
- Drinking Age should be lowered from 20 to a younge...
- (An example) Sisters' POV
- (An example) Mothers' POV
- Drinking is alright- as long as there's a supervisor
- Hi
- Drinking
- My name is Lika Tomoyama! We will discuss the issu...
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