I have a 15year old son who drinks alcohol almost every night. I don't find it bad, I'm there to supervise him while he drinks. Drinking alcohol is part of growing up, I don't see why underage drinking is illegal. They're bound to drink sometime. He enjoys it and he doesn't get drunk-- well, a bit tipsy maybe, but not too drunk that he can't control himself. He is only 15 years old but he is a responsible adult! I know that he won't drink outside in public (I hope) and I have taught him all the rules so I'm sure he'll be just fine. He will not go on drinking while driving, so no DUI for him, and he will not cause any disturbances to other people. My son knows his limit. Drinking too much will cause him a headache and a bad hangover; I'm sure he doesn't want to experience that again. He knows that his face getting red with a body full of goosebumps are signs for him to stop drinking. I think people saying that drinking is destroying their bodies but I think that's rubbish. My son is such a good child unlike those getting arrested. He will be fine, I trust him and he will not betray me. He will not be drinking irresponsibly in public. He will not be drinking at all in public, period. I am sure of it. Someone should just lift the age limit, my son knows how to drink like a young man!
About Us

- Group Alcohol
- Hello! & Welcome to our blog. We are three students (Lika, Daichi, Maya) who attend a private university in Japan. We are doing a project for English class on whether alcohol is necessary for teenagers or not. We hope people will find this blog some of a use!
- The opinion that Drinking Age should be lowered
- Questions about Drinking Alcohol
- From a teenager drinker's point of view
- From a teenager drinker's point of view
- Lowering Drinking age
- Drinking Age should be just as it is
- Drinking Age should be lowered from 20 to a younge...
- (An example) Sisters' POV
- (An example) Mothers' POV
- Drinking is alright- as long as there's a supervisor
- Hi
- Drinking
- My name is Lika Tomoyama! We will discuss the issu...
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