The opinion that Drinking Age should be lowered

This page says that Drinking age should be lowered. Because if voting and military sign up is eighteen, then drinking should also be eighteen. Besides, in many countries, drinking age is eighteen, or sixteen.

Questions about Drinking Alcohol

I would like you to think and answer about these questions for understanding issues on our topic more deeply. 1. Should teenagers bepermitted to drink alcohol under the supervision of adults, for example parents or older brothers?And why? 2. Which do you think the minimum drinking age should be lowered, should be raised, or just as it is? 3. How old is the minimum drinking age in other countries? 4. Do you know certainly the punishment for teenager drinking? 5. What kind of diseases related to alcohol do you know there are? 6. What percentage of people had drunk alcohol before coming of age? 7. What do you think about the selling of alcohol drink at supermarkets, or convenient stores? 8. How many teenagers who died of acute alcoholic poisoning are there every year? 9. How do you feel about the crime of drunk driving? 10. Do you think drinking alcohol is related to smoking?And why?

From a teenager drinker's point of view

Hi, my name's Ted. Three months passed since I got in this public university in Tokyo, and I have one thing that's really getting on my nerves lately. People saying "OMG, I drank too much last night so I'm going to skip school today hahaha. Oh since you're going because you don't drink, will you take my attendance for me? haha" Yeah, very funny. I mean what is the point of bragging about how much you drank alcohol? I wonder if they have any guilty conscience that drinking is against the law? If they think they're cool because they can drink, they should really think better. I don't drink alcohol but I still get invited to drinking parties. So I think being invited to those parties doesn't really matter to whether you drink alcohol or not. When I go, I only drink soft drinks like Coke or orange juice. Why? Because its simply against the law. I can wait another year until I'm legally able to drink.

From a teenager drinker's point of view

This April, I got into the university that I wanted. Now, I have drinking parties like almost everyday. And I love to go to night clubs. YESSS. Drinking is so fun, you can be the real you! I can't remember how many times I've drank too much and skipped school because I had a really bad hangover the next day lol. People say its bad for the health, but I can't see anything bad with my body so far. I don't know but maybe it's just a superstition. I don't really care because it's fun! So what if I'm underaged? I mean, everybody drinks, and it wouldn't be cool if you didn't.

Lowering Drinking age

Continuing from my previous post on why Drinking age doesn't matter (stats by parents), I would like to point out on why Lowering Drinking age can be considered a bad idea.

According tor research from The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commision claims that lowering drinking age would enhance those negative aspects that come from drinking alcohol. Right now, the drinking age is 21 in America; but younger kids are drinking anyways. So say-- if the drinking age is lowered to 15, much younger kids, like 10year olds might start drinking.
Drinking at a younger age would also enhance risks of drunk driving among college students and high schoolers. High Schoolers are being warned for texting while driving, but they'll now also have to be warned from drinking while driving. All of these should be common  sense, but teenagers are bound to break these laws.

Drinking alcohol also have an effect on development amongst children and teenagers. A teenagers' brain and organs have not fully developed until a certain age of adulthood. It would destroy a teenagers' future and body. Drinking can also gain likelihood of unplanned and unprotected sex.

Doug, Carlson. "Lowering Drinking Age." The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. N.p., 2008. Web. 24 May 2012. <>.

Drinking Age should be just as it is

Drinking age must not be lowered. First, alcohol consumption can interfere with brain's development. The brain's frontal lobes, essential for functions such as emotional regulation, planning, and organization, continue to  develop through adolescence. Second, drinking alcohol often allows people to go to bas or nightclubs, which are not safe environments. If they can be easy to be implicated in a crime, teenagers must be much more so.

Drinking Age should be lowered from 20 to a younger age.

Frankly speaking, many teenagers have drunk alcohol, at least once, with their friends or their parents. Even if there is one who has never drunk, he or she would have time to drink at once when entering a college, even being still a teenager. People drink alcohol to open up to each other. First, colleges or universities are the place where students can think more freely, study more freely, and move more freely than before (there may be a little rule). The students there have to learn not only studies, but also the way to live as adults. Then  it should be important to learn how to drink alcohol. Many new students at a college are 18 years old. However, minimum drinking age is 20 years old. The gap of 2 years (18 to 20) is incomprehensible.

(An example) Sisters' POV

My brother drinks all the time. He comes home drunk every night blabbering about who knows what and passes out. It's so annoying, I always end up having to take care of him. Why can't he just drink only once a week, just on fridays or something!? Why does he have to drink every day. The other day, he was caught with a bottle of alcohol on school grounds and got suspended. He's still only a Junior in High School, off course he'll get caught. He thinks that all high schoolers drink all the time. He says the school gives him alcohol during parties. Like that's true; people are just sneaking alcohol in! The school will not just let their children break the law that easily! He needs to learn and know that the 'cool' kids are not the one drinking. He may want to fit in, but he'll lose all his friends if he causes a problem. If he gets arrested he'll be the center of all the gossip going around, not that he isn't right now-- he was suspended! Drinking alcohol is so not right, especially when underage. There are more ways to turn your mood upside down besides alcohol. Isn't there?

(An example) Mothers' POV

I have a 15year old son who drinks alcohol almost every night. I don't find it bad, I'm there to supervise him while he drinks. Drinking alcohol is part of growing up, I don't see why underage drinking is illegal. They're bound to drink sometime. He enjoys it and he doesn't get drunk-- well, a bit tipsy maybe, but not too drunk that he can't control himself. He is only 15 years old but he is a responsible adult! I know that he won't drink outside in public (I hope) and I have taught him all the rules so I'm sure he'll be just fine. He will not go on drinking while driving, so no DUI for him, and he will not cause any disturbances to other people. My son knows his limit. Drinking too much will cause him a headache and a bad hangover; I'm sure he doesn't want to experience that again. He knows that his face getting red with a body full of goosebumps are signs for him to stop drinking. I think people saying that drinking is destroying their bodies but I think that's rubbish. My son is such a good child unlike those getting arrested. He will be fine, I trust him and he will not betray me. He will not be drinking irresponsibly in public. He will not be drinking at all in public, period. I am sure of it. Someone should just lift the age limit, my son knows how to drink like a young man!

Drinking is alright- as long as there's a supervisor

Our topic is focused on teenage drinking. Underage drinking is not exactly a huge problem, but it should be carefully looked upon to prevent un-needed trouble. But first I would like to touch upon the fact that most teenagers are believing that drinking is not a big deal when it really is.
Teenagers these days are often told that drinking is okay, if they are not in public and are drinking privately. If they are to drink, they are to drink safely, that was it. If they aren't causing a huge problem, then anything is alright-- even if it means breaking the law.
Teenagers are most likely to drink if their parents encourage them, or if their surroundings (friends) drink.

The Century Council has brought us some interesting statistics

• 16% of 13-15 year old girls say they drink with friends, only 5% of their mothers think their daughters are drinking;
• 30% of 16-18 year old girls say they drink with friends, only 9% of their mothers think their daughters are drinking;
• 51% of 19-21 year old girls say they drink with friends and only 32% of their mothers thought they were drinking.


• Nearly half (49%) of mothers of teenage girls say it is okay for their daughters to drink;
• 38% of mothers say it is okay for their daughters to drink on special occasions;
• 21% of mothers say it is okay to drink under parental supervision at home;
• 20% of mothers say drinking alcohol is a natural part of growing up."

Many parents feel that they are the only ones who are able to teach their children how to drink responsibly. They seem to forget that underage drinking is illegal. So as long as the parents themselves are aware of where their children are drinking, they don't seem to mind.

Drinking is alright as long as a supervisor is aware of where and how much the teen is planning on drinking. There is no harm in enjoying a glass of wine with a meal.


I'm Daichi. Sometime I see news on television, in newspapers. Recently, I've heard the news of accidents related to drinking alcohol many times. I feel so sad every time I hear it. However, we can be fun if drinking moderately. So, we can discuss whether young people should be permitted to drink alcohol.


Hello, my name is Maya and I would like to focus on teenage drinking, along with my partners, Lika and Daichi. We will focus on many issues that people may come across when they pick up a bottle of alchohol. We are neither against or for drinking so we will not take sides and would like to offer mutual opinions upon teenage drinking. Though, we are human beings as well- and off course, we too have opinions that may not seem mutually fair.
Drinking is not the only topic we will discuss; we will also discuss the problems and effects associated with Drinking. An example would be drunk driving. Drunk driving is also a huge problem-- people will drink while under the influence no matter what the law says. When people drink, it is not only about themselves, but they are also causing problems for others as well. They may risk another persons' life. I would like people to keep in mind that Alchohol may effect both themselves and others. We hope to help people understand the topic of 'Drinking' itself. Not whether its good or bad, but the what 'Drinking really is'.
We are not saying it's good to drink, but we are not saying it's a wrong doing either. We will work hard to show both views upon this topic.

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Hello! & Welcome to our blog. We are three students (Lika, Daichi, Maya) who attend a private university in Japan. We are doing a project for English class on whether alcohol is necessary for teenagers or not. We hope people will find this blog some of a use!

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